ross_meyerson: lex and lara get ready by touching their lucky heads
ross_meyerson: perhaps the creepiest photo i've ever taken
ross_meyerson: and we are on our way to the skyway
ross_meyerson: don't be fooled by that bush, there's all kinds of ugly going on
ross_meyerson: indiana! no, more like: indiana:(
ross_meyerson: indiana: more things blowing plumes of smoke into the air than any other state (except maybe new jersey. sarah?)
ross_meyerson: the jolley apple picking place farm like thing. lara salutes you
ross_meyerson: real country store jam.
ross_meyerson: kyle models the low salt variety. that coke case has a sign that says "pop" how cute is that? pop. oh, midwest
ross_meyerson: i model the cherry salsa. of course you can't tell because the flash wasn't on
ross_meyerson: time for buying shit
ross_meyerson: me and kyle and some pumpkins
ross_meyerson: again. this time i'm in more of the classic rock n roll stance
ross_meyerson: yep. not much to say here.
ross_meyerson: i'm the first person to take a self portrait fun house mirror style
ross_meyerson: then i took another
ross_meyerson: and one more. what can i say, it's kind of cool
ross_meyerson: oh yeah, i took this one as well but apparently i couldn't bare to look
ross_meyerson: that seems fair.
ross_meyerson: lara, tractor.
ross_meyerson: band photo
ross_meyerson: i'm a tomato!
ross_meyerson: band photo blooper. oh how we laughed
ross_meyerson: we could have taken a hayride if we didn't loose that hour crossing over into the eastern time zone
ross_meyerson: and then we could have gone to the haunted house as well
ross_meyerson: instead we just picked out some pumpkins. is this form why my back always hurts?
ross_meyerson: paulina, pumpkin
ross_meyerson: i imagine lex letting out a groan
ross_meyerson: hey round pumkin guy, whats you got on your underside?
ross_meyerson: we ate at the shingle diggins. plenty of jokes were made at the expense of that unfortunate name. i'd like to hear yours, though