88ZERO: Mossy Water Pipe
88ZERO: Chairs in the laundro
88ZERO: 6:38 A weird laundromat on Market
88ZERO: 6:38 OrchidHead chatting online
88ZERO: 6:38 Lung Cancer 5k After-party in GG Park with lots of survivors and singing.
88ZERO: 6:38 Watching video tutorials on Adobe Premiere Pro so I can make a web-video for the 5K.
88ZERO: 6:38 Patty Pan Squash, preparing to be diced with colleague and tofu and be thrown into green curry sauce.
88ZERO: 6:38 Man with bladder full of beer in parking lot. On our way to see Phish.
88ZERO: 6:38 Passing through the city of the dead, Colma, on my way home from Straw Hat shoot.
88ZERO: 6:38 Dinner with parents after a day spent processing photos. My parents celebrating their 35th anniversary.
88ZERO: 6:38 Neighbor's cat under giant fig tree wary of Buddy below. Next we leave for rafting trip!
88ZERO: 6:38 Coming home from whitewater rafting and now it's burgertime!
88ZERO: 6:38 Partly foraged fruit salad for dinner as Triston takes photo of the same.
88ZERO: 6:38 More like 8:36 as I walk Buddy after a dip in the Inkwells- awesome swim/diving holes in forest nearby.
88ZERO: 6:38 My parents are over for dinner after a day of painting and cleaning. M made Chinese food and big group game of Apples.
88ZERO: 6:38 Yesterday at Davis skatepark after Grandpa Bill bday party by the river.
88ZERO: 6:38 T not at capoeira, I'm a little out of whack after a draining day. Just want to see Ponyo and its magical wonderment.
88ZERO: 6:38 Meet Lily McGee Hall my new niece. 1oz. shy of 10lbs. Wish I was there to meet her in person!
88ZERO: 6:38 Still at work but with a cold beverage in hand. Working on Miss Eddi's 3000 photos.
88ZERO: 6:38 Waiting for outfit change #4 with conductor for photoshoot. Was at the deYoung earlier in the day.
88ZERO: 6:38 Scouting Crissy Field for shoot tomorrow. Foggy and beautiful- hope it stays that way.
88ZERO: 6:38 Hanging out in the city w/ T. Guitar Center, Golden Boy Pizza, and a cool record store
88ZERO: 6:38 Constructing a Plante cell and listening to the new Islands album on Pitchfork.