corixa66: Axes 2014 WAB Tournament Trophies
corixa66: Martyn (right) and Andy (left) start off the Baggage train scenario
corixa66: Tony vs Paul Baggage Train scenario table 2
corixa66: Martyn's Swiss pikemen begging someone to take the baggage train
corixa66: Andy's suspiciously looking GW Empire army masquerading as Italian City States attempts a take down.
corixa66: Carl vs Dave J on table 1
corixa66: Get stuck in!
corixa66: Seljurk Turks or Saracens from Italo-Normans??
corixa66: Paul's pin cushion's of death closely guarding the baggage train.
corixa66: Dave P and Andy B have an elephant-off on table 6
corixa66: Andy's Tiramisu oops Timurid Cavalry make an appearance - what's for afters?
corixa66: Dave P and Andy B on Table 6.
corixa66: Interesting it seems that the Invisible woman and the Invisible man finished early and have started the reversal bout.
corixa66: Round 2 - Julie pretends she's not bothered about elephants.
corixa66: Alex J (left) never played WAB in his life and finds himself at the heady heights of table 1 in round 2. Steady on Alex!!
corixa66: Paul: "... and that's how you make the coin disappear!"
corixa66: Martyn vs Dave J Round 2 Table 3 ... Is Dave hiding a good poker hand there?
corixa66: Carl wonders if Tony noticed that little mistake there... oh no he didunt!
corixa66: "Then your army will magically disappear... not like 'at... but jus' like 'at ... where's me Fez?
corixa66: We've discussed this earlier - I think we will move on!!
corixa66: Paul wonders if he could buy up Dave's Army.
corixa66: Paul quietly grinning himself some insightful benefits.
corixa66: Seljuk Turk Skirmish line from Dave J
corixa66: Carl F's Saracen Cav on Table 1 Round 3
corixa66: This is a suck you in and see ... pin cushion time!! Reminiscent of wood elf tactics this one in the fantasy world.
corixa66: CHAAAAAARGE! I wonder if Andy's skirmish line can make it to the front door?
corixa66: Swiss Tony knows how to charm the ladies ... hey I don't see any box of chocolates, or a fine wine!
corixa66: Dave Ps Muslim Indians massing up for some payback!
corixa66: Andy's got dem moves!
corixa66: Martyn chuckles as he realises Alex didn't get much sleep last night.