Bak_40: 1969 Dad w bike at the hollow tree-stanley park
Bak_40: '1969 MOM at Siwash Rock-bit of a bee hive hair style?
Bak_40: '069 Lost Lagoon, late winter
Bak_40: '1969 Siwash Rock & new sea wall
Bak_40: '1978 West Vancouver fr Prospect Pt
Bak_40: '1968 City skyline from the seawall
Bak_40: '1962 John & Ben on seawall
Bak_40: '1957 Lions Gate Bridge from Stanley Pk arch
Bak_40: '057 Display fr Chinese Summer festival- Lost Lagoon
Bak_40: '1956 Siwash Rock from gun emplacement
Bak_40: 1956 Siwash Rock & gun emplacement by Arthur B.
Bak_40: '1953 Third Beach & West Van
Bak_40: '053 Prospect Point from the Lions Gate Br
Bak_40: '053 Festooned street light, Stanley Park
Bak_40: '053 City skyline from the seawall
Bak_40: '1950 Vancouver skyline fr Stanley Pk Arthur broomhall
Bak_40: '049 Orig 2nd Beach swimming pool, Arthur Broomhall
Bak_40: 1947 Vancouver skyline fr Stanley Pk, Arthur Broomhall
Bak_40: Tanglewood Stanley
Bak_40: Garry Oak
Bak_40: HPIM2403
Bak_40: HPIM2401
Bak_40: HPIM2398
Bak_40: HPIM2397
Bak_40: HPIM2395
Bak_40: HPIM2393
Bak_40: HPIM2392
Bak_40: HPIM2390
Bak_40: HPIM2388
Bak_40: HPIM2387