Bak_40: North end West coast trail>Trail head
Bak_40: North end West coast trail>Trail head
Bak_40: North end West coast trail>Trail head
Bak_40: North end West coast trail>Trail head
Bak_40: North end West coast trail>Trail head
Bak_40: North end West coast trail>Trail head
Bak_40: Pachena Beach North end West coast trail>Trail head
Bak_40: Pachena Beach North end West coast trail>Trail head
Bak_40: Mar 9 2010
Bak_40: Raven's decided rolling in sea otter poop is one of the best things you can do
Bak_40: Ben>Computer_Terd >>>
Bak_40: Feb 23 - 0 degrees snow started at 8:00am
Bak_40: 2011, Feb 23 - 0 degrees and snow predictions 10 to 15 cm's>didnt happen
Bak_40: Hmm snow?
Bak_40: Feb 10 2010 mainly sun +6
Bak_40: git yer ass movin before ah give ya a nip on the butt
Bak_40: IMG_3583
Bak_40: my what a big shnoze
Bak_40: IMG_3575
Bak_40: IMG_3574
Bak_40: IMG_3572
Bak_40: IMG_3570
Bak_40: IMG_3568
Bak_40: IMG_3566
Bak_40: IMG_3565
Bak_40: IMG_3562
Bak_40: IMG_3561
Bak_40: IMG_3560
Bak_40: IMG_3557
Bak_40: swim feb 10 2010 +7