LynnMGallagher: Botanical Gardens, Köln.
LynnMGallagher: I don't like this flower. It looks like bloody guts.
LynnMGallagher: Fountain at the Botanical Gardens, Köln.
LynnMGallagher: Greenery at the Botanical Gardens.
LynnMGallagher: Pink and green, one of my favorite color combinations. Mother Nature likes it, too.
LynnMGallagher: This should have children wading in it.
LynnMGallagher: Hot, hot flower colors at the Botanical Gardens.
LynnMGallagher: Symmetry.
LynnMGallagher: Scarlet.
LynnMGallagher: Playing with Photoshop on this photo of flowers.
LynnMGallagher: A formal garden at the Köln Botanical Gardens.
LynnMGallagher: That duck is laughing at me..."Ha, ha, once again, for at least the fifth time in four days, you will be hunderds of feet in the air".
LynnMGallagher: Birds eye view of the Rhine River.
LynnMGallagher: Everyone saw naked people down there but me. Still don't see them.
LynnMGallagher: Sign for pedestrians on the sidewalk. I would definitely yield to a train.
LynnMGallagher: Beethoven's House in Bonn.
LynnMGallagher: A sewer's dream and my worst financial habit...fabirc. But I didn't buy any because I had limited suitcase space.
LynnMGallagher: Seller in the Market at Bonn, Germany
LynnMGallagher: Fresh market sellers in Market Plaza.
LynnMGallagher: Who says all Europeans drive small vehicles. This outdoes a Hummer. I have no idea why it was parked in front of the Old City Hall in Market Plaza, Bonn.
LynnMGallagher: The Old City Hall in Market Plaza, Bonn. Quite a vehical parked out front!
LynnMGallagher: Diners in Market Plaza, Bonn.
LynnMGallagher: Child on a bungee jumping trampoline in Bonn.
LynnMGallagher: Dresses at the African outdoor market. Just not enough room in my suitcase. :-(
LynnMGallagher: Dress at the African Market in Bonn.
LynnMGallagher: For sale at the African market, Bonn, Germany
LynnMGallagher: Baskets at the African Market, Bonn.
LynnMGallagher: Small tables for sale at the African Market, Bonn
LynnMGallagher: Quilt for sale at the African Market. Would have bought this and made clothes out of it, but it was that room-in-the-suitcase thing again.