LynnMGallagher: This display greeted me as I walked into the Lindt outlet store in Achen where Lindt chocolates are made. It is the only photo I was able to take there because an employee approached me and told me "NO PHOTOS!"
LynnMGallagher: Attack of the chocolate lady bugs. In a food store in Achen.
LynnMGallagher: A wall in the park at Vaalserberg.
LynnMGallagher: Really scary tower which has a grate for a floor allowing the visitor to see how far she will fall to her death.
LynnMGallagher: View of one scene from the tower. I realize I could see three countries from here, but I didn't make a note of which country I was photographing. I think this is the view of Germany.
LynnMGallagher: Ahhhhh! This shaky floor grate is going to give way and I am going to DIE!!!!!!
LynnMGallagher: Somewhere in Germany or the Netherlands. Can anyone identify?
LynnMGallagher: Somewhere in Germany or the Netherlands. Can anyone identify?
LynnMGallagher: A popular tourist location.
LynnMGallagher: Streetsign in Rudesheim.
LynnMGallagher: View of Rudesheim, Germany, as we took the gondola lift up the hill to the park above
LynnMGallagher: View of town on the opposite bank of the river across from Rudesheim, Germany, from the park on the hill above the city.
LynnMGallagher: View from the park above Rudesheim looking down on the Rhine River.
LynnMGallagher: The Niederwalddenkmal Monument, built between 1870 and 1880 to celebrate the unification of Germany
LynnMGallagher: From the park on the hill overlooking Rudesheim.
LynnMGallagher: "Look, I see a Pokemon"
LynnMGallagher: Photo taken from the Gondola ride at Rudeshim
LynnMGallagher: The bouncer at the bar.
LynnMGallagher: Rhine River Gorge near Lorelei