cicicarry: DSC_0957
cicicarry: Meir
cicicarry: Barb and Shelly
cicicarry: Shelly
cicicarry: Lett's 2nd Rusted Root
cicicarry: from the garden
cicicarry: Whole Food Jumbo Cookie
cicicarry: Ms Janice's Handy Work
cicicarry: Ms Janice's Handy Work
cicicarry: Ms Janice's Handy Work
cicicarry: Show and Tell
cicicarry: Shelly's shawl in progress
cicicarry: Barb's charity socks
cicicarry: Diane posing
cicicarry: Jana smiling
cicicarry: Andrea, our newest
cicicarry: Thella balancing yarn
cicicarry: Rivka with a new summer do!
cicicarry: Rebecca sopped by
cicicarry: Jana
cicicarry: Sandra, the crochet teacher♥