*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: Obamazombies
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: STOP OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: Pit Bull with Lip Stick
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: Doing what she can
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: Signs of the times
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: Gov. Sarah Palin
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: Last night of RNC
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: A STAR IS BORN
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: SARAH PALIN!
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: Greta Van Susteren and Newt Gingrich at the RNC
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: McCain, Palin and Romney in St. Louis 8/31/08
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: Gov.Sarah Palin (R), AK
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: If you're still thinking about voting for Obama, I have a question for you:
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: Greta Van Susteren, Laura Bush, and Cindy McCain at the RNC today, September 1st
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: McCAIN/PALIN '08
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: USA-POLITICS/John and Cindy MCCAIN
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: MCCain Veepstakes Palin
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: ~Sarah Palin!
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: HE PICKED HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah Palin!
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: McCain and Palin?
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: Could Sarah Palin be John McCain's running mate?
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: Could this be McCain's VP pick?
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: The taxation stooge with his mentor
*cHARLIe 2112(^:*: McCain interview with Fox News