P-Merge: Morraine Meadow
P-Merge: Self Portrait for Sarah #1
P-Merge: 6.8 miles up
P-Merge: Mess o'river
P-Merge: Snow runoff
P-Merge: Ouzel Falls
P-Merge: Surface of the Moon
P-Merge: Snow level from the night before
P-Merge: Thunder Lake Meadow
P-Merge: Thunder Lake
P-Merge: Thunder Lake
P-Merge: Found a patch without snow
P-Merge: Natural Refridgeration
P-Merge: Dehydrated meals are gross
P-Merge: Self Portrait for Sarah #2
P-Merge: Morning on the lake
P-Merge: A lot colder than it looks
P-Merge: About to head up to the pass in the distance
P-Merge: Self portrait for Sarah #3
P-Merge: Mtn Meadow stream
P-Merge: Climbing up
P-Merge: Snow field
P-Merge: The sun was causing mini avalanches the whole way up
P-Merge: Self portrait for Sarah #4
P-Merge: I like the dark blue sky of high elevation
P-Merge: 360 Up at Fox Lake
P-Merge: Fox Lake near the summit
P-Merge: Ice kept falling down toward me
P-Merge: Deep