maclaren: View from the 11th floor of the Sutter Stockton Garage in San Francisco.
maclaren: Impromptu diaper change during a cold December day on the 11th floor of the Sutter Stockton Garage in San Francisco, which was completely packed by post Christmas shoppers.
maclaren: Kai - Day 95 watching his first TV shows
maclaren: Kai - Day 95 watching his first TV shows
maclaren: Kai - Day 95 watching his first TV shows
maclaren: Kai - Day 96 ... The last day of 2012! :)
maclaren: Kai - Day 96 ... The last day of 2012! :)
maclaren: Kai - Day 97 ... Pull my finger!
maclaren: Kai - Day 97
maclaren: Kai @ 14 weeks on Noriko's birthday
maclaren: Kai @ 14 weeks on Noriko's birthday
maclaren: Kai - Day 99
maclaren: Kai - Day 100: Enjoying a afternoon walk with mom and dad in the park.
maclaren: Kai - Day 100: Enjoying a afternoon walk with mom and dad in the park.
maclaren: Kai - Day 101: Out for stroll
maclaren: Kai - Day 101: Out for stroll
maclaren: Kai - Day 102: Enjoying friends at SanLo.
maclaren: Kai - Day 102: Enjoying friends at SanLo.
maclaren: Kai - Day 103
maclaren: Kai - Day 103
maclaren: Kai @ 15 weeks
maclaren: Kai - Day 106 and Haru wondering why Kai is in his bed
maclaren: Kai - Day 107
maclaren: Kai - Day 108: Kai watching his SF 49ers game. :)
maclaren: Kai - Day 109: At SanLo with Pastor Shimada
maclaren: Kai - Day 110
maclaren: Kai - Day 111
maclaren: Kai - Day 113
maclaren: Kai - Day 113
maclaren: Kai @ 16 weeks