One lucky guy: With the archer and his son
One lucky guy: The archer and his good wife
One lucky guy: Broken lance tip in the joust
One lucky guy: Pass at arms
One lucky guy: Knights at the list
One lucky guy: Blue knight at the joust
One lucky guy: Blue knight at the joust
One lucky guy: The mail head stand
One lucky guy: Circa 1300 AD knight wielding an Albion Baron sword of war
One lucky guy: Cervalliere helm, sword, scabbard, and heater shield circa 1300
One lucky guy: Juvante in hand
One lucky guy: Knight of 1300 AD with shield and sword at the ready
One lucky guy: Knight of 1300 AD with sword, shield, and sugarloaf helm
One lucky guy: Homage to the Duchess
One lucky guy: Bardiche coming at you!
One lucky guy: Knight circa 1300 with bardiche
One lucky guy: Saxon and Norman
One lucky guy: My squire keeps getting bigger!
One lucky guy: Civil War soldier firing rifle
One lucky guy: Landesknecht firing a matchlock
One lucky guy: Priming the pan with powder
One lucky guy: Landesknecht presenting matchlock
One lucky guy: Two-hander sword against pike
One lucky guy: Landesknechts
One lucky guy: Lance falls short of a pike
One lucky guy: Brandishing my sword
One lucky guy: Showing my gambeson
One lucky guy: Knight presenting an archer
One lucky guy: Knight and archer
One lucky guy: Knight of the Hospital of Saint John