One lucky guy: Elizabeth Regina Glorianna, Queen Elizabeth the First
One lucky guy: The Earl of Leicester
One lucky guy: My Lady in her Catherine Parr dress
One lucky guy: Ministers and advisors
One lucky guy: The Queen
One lucky guy: Spain and England part
One lucky guy: A fair row
One lucky guy: Walsingham takes in some uncharacteristic frivolity
One lucky guy: Buff leather and half plate armor
One lucky guy: Her Majesty dances with Lord Talbot
One lucky guy: Henry VIII
One lucky guy: Queen Elizabeth makes her progress
One lucky guy: CRACK! A shattered lance for Sir George
One lucky guy: The fetching Countess of Essex
One lucky guy: Leicester with a falcon
One lucky guy: Tom foolery was afoot!
One lucky guy: Yeoman guard
One lucky guy: Joust! Out of the pages of legend...
One lucky guy: Court shot
One lucky guy: The Queen's progress
One lucky guy: New from Spain. It's called chocolate!
One lucky guy: Landesknecht with a nice Zweihander sword and some of the Queen's military
One lucky guy: Meet and Proper
One lucky guy: These commoners are amusing aren't they M'lord?
One lucky guy: A fetching lady bends Walsingham's ear
One lucky guy: Elizabethan Beauty
One lucky guy: Her Majesty accompanied by her favorite, Robert Dudley
One lucky guy: Ladies to stir the heart of any knight
One lucky guy: Flash in the pan
One lucky guy: A maiden most fair