Messhy: the true sky in Tokyo
Messhy: a silhouette behind the Summer
Messhy: singing Sunflower
Messhy: ピンクの花と秋の空
Messhy: 野いちご strawberry
Messhy: 梅とヒヨドリ
Messhy: at nightfall
Messhy: at December afternoon
Messhy: reflection in the winter
Messhy: 静・・・メタセコイア
Messhy: ひがんばな
Messhy: ladybug with dandelion
Messhy: Park
Messhy: Heron
Messhy: Reflection in the autumn
Messhy: nice fellow
Messhy: Phaneroptera falcata ツユムシ
Messhy: We are talking about changing season
Messhy: 見つけました I've found it.
Messhy: rose-yellow
Messhy: reflection
Messhy: Plum tree of precocious
Messhy: cluster amaryllis
Messhy: the waterside is mine
Messhy: fighting
Messhy: めじろとさくら a white eye and cherry blossom
Messhy: 紅葉
Messhy: Japan cedars(Pinhole)
Messhy: friendship