Messhy: 祭りの日
Messhy: 担ぎ手1
Messhy: 担ぎ手2
Messhy: こいのぼり
Messhy: wedding ceremony
Messhy: Wedding parade riding in jinrikisya
Messhy: 水掛不動
Messhy: cute JAWS
Messhy: 枝垂桜2
Messhy: eco taxi
Messhy: cooking in steam
Messhy: probationers as servant for God
Messhy: Fire for prayers
Messhy: The Moon with full digital zoom
Messhy: at hibiya park
Messhy: urban half Moon
Messhy: Sunrise
Messhy: Today's flight
Messhy: 柏もちと洗濯物とこいのぼり
Messhy: the SUN with cloud
Messhy: high Autumn sky
Messhy: a material of autumn desserts
Messhy: color of bamboo joints
Messhy: signboards
Messhy: bathing
Messhy: Fishing in the early morning
Messhy: autumn sky
Messhy: preparation for opening
Messhy: at flower shop