老綿羊: 2017-01-15 11.30.08
老綿羊: 2017-01-17 14.26.49
pirlouit72: Italy, Lucca, Piazza dell'Anfiteatro
KatrinMerle: Irish Pub
KatrinMerle: "Dicke Wirtin"
iss zzy: Pulpería Ana María
Croctoo: BA Bois, Périgné
pirlouit72: Italy, Pisa, leaning tower
visuranto: Dresden Johannstadt
Detlef Surrey: Bar "Dicke Wirtin" © Detlef Surrey
pirlouit72: Italy, Lucca, Duomo (cathedral)
éliettek: Duel au Sommet...(2)
si newell: From the Switch Room, Tate Modern, London
CROQUINEUR: TARIFA Plaza del Capitan Menendez Arango et calle de Jesus
X-T4: Mixité des époques
dattner reuven: almond tree blossom
nicolas doucedame: Old-man-version-II-w
utnapishtiy1: Some oil work outside.
nicolas doucedame: Old-man-versus-II
Argent Viu: la calaixera
KenKFoster: Tumblr Grrl
bodiley48: Howard McGhee
Reinhard.Pantke: Settlement along the east coast of greenland ..
.^.Blanksy: Rajasthan
thomasthorspecken: 01-09-17Wallys
Phil McDonel: Barley&HopsTavernOCC-LR
Chanont: IMG_20170115_142245
dattner reuven: old and new