Birdwatcher18: DSCF6572
Birdwatcher18: DSCF6634
Birdwatcher18: DSCF6648
Birdwatcher18: DSCF6665
Birdwatcher18: Poombari Village View
Birdwatcher18: Foggy Day
Birdwatcher18: Colorful Plant
Birdwatcher18: DSCF6724
Birdwatcher18: DSCF6727
Birdwatcher18: DSCF6735
Birdwatcher18: Trees - Botanical Garden, Kodaikanal
Birdwatcher18: Fog slowing taking over
Birdwatcher18: Valley in Fog
Birdwatcher18: Trees in valley
Birdwatcher18: Clouds and valley - Kodaikanal
Birdwatcher18: DSCF6816
Birdwatcher18: Mountain cloud and fog - Kodaikanal
Birdwatcher18: Kodai Lake