pas.sionphoto: Svasso piccolo - Black-necked grebe
brunofurlan: Frosone / Coccothraustes coocothraustes
robertovillaopere: Smergo dal ciuffo - Lophodytes cucullatus - Hooded Merganser
ric.brun: tordela
pas.sionphoto: Poiana - Buzzard
Mauro Gialdini: Smergo maggiore femmina
pastorino.antonio: K30I0479 monviso r
robertovillaopere: Voltolino - Porzana porzana - Spotted crake
Svenni and his Icelandic birds.: Short-eared owl 50 (brandugla)
Noor Hussain.: The Barn Owl
Noor Hussain.: Pallid scops owl or striated scops owl
SASPhotography67: You Looking at Me?!?!? {Explored}
linoaliberti: Basettino
linoaliberti: Saltimpalo
gcampbellphoto: Waxwing (Bombycilla garrulus)
enzo cornaglia: Gufo comune
robertovillaopere: Astore - Accipiter gentilis - Goshawk
pastorino.antonio: K3041574 tarabusoR
linoaliberti: Pettirosso
linoaliberti: Sparviere
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC7254 Red Backed Shrike..
Copout2019: The good times
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC3078 Wryneck..
MissGarfield: Rauhfußkauz - Tengmalm's owl ( Aegolius funerus )
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC1150 Waxwing..
Steve's Wildlife Photography: Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)
wentloog: Misty Dawn Trees