andredekesel: Cosmodela aurulenta
andredekesel: Flammulina velutipes
Thomas Shahan 3: Hyla cinerea - Green Treefrog - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: black weevil - Colombia
Thomas Shahan 3: black and yellow weevil - Toxorhinus amarillo - Colombia
Thomas Shahan 3: Peucetia sp lynx spider - Colombia
Thomas Shahan 3: thin film interference, psychodid wing, Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Dasypus novemcinctus - Nine-banded Armadillo - Oklahoma
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs: Beetle and Melting Ice
Vicki's Nature: 12 Days of Christmas Butterflies - #9 Zebra Swallowtail
Xx7trey: Orbweaver (Eustala)
Xx7trey: Damselfly (argia)
Xx7trey: Spined assassin bug (Sinea diadema)
Xx7trey: Red-banded leafhopper (Graphocephala coccinea)
Xx7trey: Beetle (Hymenorus)
Thomas Shahan 3: Tmarus angulatus - Tuberculated Crab Spider
Xx7trey: Swift crab spider (Mecaphesa celer)
Xx7trey: Carolina metallic tiger beetle (Tetracha carolina)
Xx7trey: Riley’s 13-year cicada (Magicicada tredecim)
Xx7trey: Damselfly (argia)
Xx7trey: Sylvan jumping spider (Colonus sylvanus)
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs: Seriema Having a Scritch
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs: Jumping Stick Portrait
nickybay: Planthopper (Rhotana sp.) - PB054414
Vicki's Nature: 12 Days of Dragonflies to be Thankful for - #5 Gray Petaltail