Kendall Watkins: White-winged Dove
Kendall Watkins: Northern Cardinal
Kendall Watkins: Hawk sp.
Kendall Watkins: Mexican Whip-poor-will
Kendall Watkins: Baird's and White-rumped Sandpipers
Kendall Watkins: Baird's Sandpiper
Kendall Watkins: Baird's Sandpiper
Kendall Watkins: Baird's Sandpipers
Kendall Watkins: Baird's Sandpipers
Kendall Watkins: Baird's Sandpipers
Kendall Watkins: Canvasback
Kendall Watkins: Canvasback
Kendall Watkins: Franklin's Gull
Kendall Watkins: Lark Sparrow
Kendall Watkins: Lesser Scaup
Kendall Watkins: Long-billed Curlew
Kendall Watkins: Long-billed Dowitchers
Kendall Watkins: Northern Shovelors
Kendall Watkins: Red-necked Phalarope
Kendall Watkins: Ring-billed Gull
Kendall Watkins: Ring-necked Duck
Kendall Watkins: Ruddy Duck
Kendall Watkins: Sanderling and Long-billed Curlew
Kendall Watkins: Sanderling and Wilson's Phalaropes
Kendall Watkins: Sanderling
Kendall Watkins: Sanderling
Kendall Watkins: Sanderling
Kendall Watkins: Sanderling