smiling camel: Mr. MO 毛主席
smiling camel: army under Forbidden City 紫禁城下的軍人
smiling camel: Forbidden City, The Palace Museum 紫禁城─故宮博物院
smiling camel: 5* FLAG 五星紅旗
smiling camel: SQUARE in front of Forbidden City 紫禁城前的廣場
smiling camel: square 廣場
smiling camel: rickshaw VS motor vehicle 人力,摩托
smiling camel: traffic light 交通燈
smiling camel: a QUEEN dead inside 妃子被謀殺於此
smiling camel: shape
smiling camel: symbolic of emperors 帝皇象徵
smiling camel: dragon sculpture 龍雕塑
smiling camel: solemn palace hall 莊嚴的殿堂
smiling camel: Beijing bicycle 北京自行車
smiling camel: Red wall, RED door 帝皇之色
smiling camel: just can watch between door frame 從門縫裡偷看
smiling camel: chrysanthemum patterns 菊花
smiling camel: a couple under the RED wall
smiling camel: passing under the main wall 溜走於城牆下
smiling camel: house top "lucky sign" 樓頂上的吉祥物
smiling camel: garden in the palace 慈禧的後花園
smiling camel: wedding sign 喜喜
smiling camel: something interesting ? 有乜咁好睇?
smiling camel: so funny :-D 真係咁有趣?!
smiling camel: PINK gal, PINK lady 紅粉佳人
smiling camel: steps
smiling camel: Chinese Tower 樓閣
smiling camel: MAIN HALL 殿堂
smiling camel: Written by the EMPEROR of Qing Dynasty 乾隆御筆