smiling camel: riding under sunset 落日航行
smiling camel: suspension DOG 懸浮的狗
smiling camel: upward glanced a Palm tree 只要抬頭就能看到
smiling camel: Pink Grapes 粉紅色葡萄 :-D
smiling camel: Acock 公雞
smiling camel: black PIG 黑豚
smiling camel: Bat Cave 蝙蝠洞
smiling camel: where re u all guys going ? 你們往那裡去?
smiling camel: take a walk together 一起散步
smiling camel: after sunrise 日出之後
smiling camel: at the dawn 黎明時份
smiling camel: smoking 煙霧漓漫
smiling camel: sun shining 陽光燦爛
smiling camel: come ! catch me ! 嚟捉我吖
smiling camel: HAHA ! i caught u ! 我捉到你喇!
smiling camel: lazy under the chair 乘涼
smiling camel: missing tooth 門牙不見了
smiling camel: share to u 分gum同味
smiling camel: Let me have your attention! 注意我吧!
smiling camel: looking at her 我總是抓不着她
smiling camel: crazy sreaming 瘋狂尖叫
smiling camel: a regular one 唯一「企定定」的一張
smiling camel: going back home 回航中
smiling camel: Caticlan, Panay island
smiling camel: CHEERS~ 飲勝!
smiling camel: green seaweed growing around 綠色海藻長滿地
smiling camel: playing alone 獨自玩耍
smiling camel: this is my sand castle 我的沙堡壘
smiling camel: i got long legs:-D 渴望的長腿:-D
smiling camel: before sunset 日落之前