vandekar: Head Dress Craft Foam2
vandekar: Sith Head Dress Forehead Piece
vandekar: Sith Headdress Cheek Pieces
vandekar: Sith Headdress Showing Assembled Positions
vandekar: Assembled Craft Foam
vandekar: Brow Piece Buried in RTV Silicone
vandekar: Removed the Cured RTV Silicone Mold from the Box...
vandekar: The Craft Foam was not glued down sufficiently to the base...
vandekar: Removed Craft Foam original, leaving RTV Silicone negative mold
vandekar: Got the Glue Gun Heating Up...
vandekar: Negative Mold Full of Hot Glue...
vandekar: Holding the Browpiece up to test fit
vandekar: Trying on the Sith Headdress forehead piece
vandekar: Molds of Sith Headdress cheek and jaw pieces
vandekar: Filling the molds with hot glue from a hot glue gun
vandekar: Sith Headdress, trial paint job 1
vandekar: Sith Headdress, trial paint job 2
vandekar: BadSithMockup1
vandekar: First Headdress Test
vandekar: First Headdress Test
vandekar: First Headdress Test
vandekar: First Headdress Test
vandekar: First Headdress Test