Doug Danforth:
Gray Squirrel -Highway 191 north of Morenci
Doug Danforth:
New Mexico Locust(Robinia neomexicana) - Highway 191 south of Stryhorse (1)
Doug Danforth:
New Mexico Locust(Robinia neomexicana) - Highway 191 south of Stryhorse (3)
Doug Danforth:
New Mexico Locust(Robinia neomexicana) - Highway 191 south of Stryhorse (2)
Doug Danforth:
Mule Deer herd - Highway 191 south of KP Cienega (2)
Doug Danforth:
snowstorm in mid-May near Hannagan Meadows, AZ
Doug Danforth:
Elk - Highway 191 south of Hannagan Meadows (3)
Doug Danforth:
Elk - Highway 191 south of Hannagan Meadows (2)
Doug Danforth:
Abert's Squirrel - Hulsey Lake, Escudilla Mountain (8)
Doug Danforth:
Orange Gooseberry(Ribes pinetorum) - Terry Flat, Escudilla Mountain (4)
Doug Danforth:
Orange Gooseberry(Ribes pinetorum) - Terry Flat, Escudilla Mountain (3)
Doug Danforth:
Aspen grove Terry Flat Loop, Escudilla Mountian (1)
Doug Danforth:
Aspen grove Terry Flat Loop, Escudilla Mountian (2)
Doug Danforth:
snowstrom in mid-May - Terry Flat, Escudilla Mountain (1)
Doug Danforth:
snowstrom in mid-May - Terry Flat, Escudilla Mountain (3)
Doug Danforth:
Abert's Squirrel - Hulsey Lake, Escudilla Mountain (12)
Doug Danforth:
Old Man's Whiskers(Geum trifolium) - Terry Flat, Escudilla Mt (9)
Doug Danforth:
Old Man's Whiskers(Geum trifolium) - Terry Flat, Escudilla Mt (8)
Doug Danforth:
Old Man's Whiskers(Geum trifolium) - Terry Flat, Escudilla Mt (6)
Doug Danforth:
cinnamon Teal - Lake near Nutrioso, AZ (6)
Doug Danforth:
cinnamon Teal - Lake near Nutrioso, AZ (5)
Doug Danforth:
Great Blue Heron - Nutrioso Resevoir (2)
Doug Danforth:
storm clouds north of Sipe Wildlife Area (2)
Doug Danforth:
storm clouds north of Sipe Wildlife Area (3)
Doug Danforth:
Lark sparrow - Sipe Wildlife Area (3)
Doug Danforth:
Rocky Mountain Iris(Iris missouriensis) - Sipe Widlife Area (3)
Doug Danforth:
Horned Lark - Sipe Wildlife Area, Apache Co, AZ (3)
Doug Danforth:
Brewer's Blackbird - Sipe Wildlife Area (4)
Doug Danforth:
Escudilla Mountain from Sipe Wildlife Area (1)
Doug Danforth:
Escudilla Mountain from Sipe Wildlife Area (4)