Doug Danforth:
Yellow Lotus (Nelumbo lutea) - Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR, TX
Doug Danforth:
Willet - Anahuac NWR (1)
Doug Danforth:
White Water Lily - Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR, TX (2)
Doug Danforth:
White Water Lily - Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR, TX (1)
Doug Danforth:
White Ibis- Anahuac NWR (3)
Doug Danforth:
White Ibis - Galveston, TX (1)
Doug Danforth:
waves on Galveston Beach (3)
Doug Danforth:
waves on Galveston Beach (2)
Doug Danforth:
Viceroy - Independence Park, Gonzales, TX
Doug Danforth:
Viceroy - Independence Park, Gonzales , TX (3)
Doug Danforth:
Turk's Cap - Anahuac NWR (2)
Doug Danforth:
Turk's Cap - Anahuac NWR (1)
Doug Danforth:
Turkey Vulture - east of Eagle Lake, TX (1)
Doug Danforth:
Tropical Leafwing - Attwater NWR, TX
Doug Danforth:
Tri-colored Heron and White Ibis - Galveston, TX
Doug Danforth:
Tri-colored Heron - Galveston, TX (3)
Doug Danforth:
Tri-colored Heron - Galveston, TX (1)
Doug Danforth:
tankers tiedup at the refinery, Texas City, TX
Doug Danforth:
Swamp Rabbit - Anahuac NWR (1)
Doug Danforth:
Stillwater Clubtil (Arigomphus lentulus) - Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR, TX (4)
Doug Danforth:
Stillwater Clubtil (Arigomphus lentulus) - Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR, TX (3)
Doug Danforth:
Snowy Egret - the dike at Texas City, TX (2)
Doug Danforth:
Snowy Egret - Galveston, TX (3)
Doug Danforth:
Snowy Egret - Galveston, TX (1) - Copy
Doug Danforth:
Smoky Rubyspot (Hetaerina titia) - Independence Park, Gonzales, TX 216 (5)
Doug Danforth:
Smoky Rubyspot (Hetaerina titia) - Independence Park, Gonzales, TX 208
Doug Danforth:
Smokey Rubyspot (Hetaerina titia) - Independence Park, Gonzales, TX (1)
Doug Danforth:
Shrimp boat tied up on the peir at the dike, Texas City, TX - Copy
Doug Danforth:
ships from the Galveston Ferry crossing (18)
Doug Danforth:
ships from the Galveston Ferry crossing (14)