ddsiple: Graveyard of Whistles
ddsiple: Air on an old C whistle
ddsiple: The Cliffs of Moher
ddsiple: Harvest Home for Fuzzybee
ddsiple: Can't remember what it's called
ddsiple: R. G. Hardie Pipes
ddsiple: Berch, Siple and Ewing (Kellswater)
ddsiple: Kokopilau Humpbacked Flute Player
ddsiple: Billy Pigg
ddsiple: R. G. Hardie Bagpipes
ddsiple: R. G. Hardie Bagpipes
ddsiple: Air on D Whistle
ddsiple: Alistair Anderson
ddsiple: Alistair Anderson
ddsiple: Kellswater at Canal Street Tavern
ddsiple: Doug Siple, Ron Ewing and Jerry Rockwell at Columbus Arts Festival
ddsiple: Alexander's Hornpipe on D whistle
ddsiple: Alexander's Hornpipe on B flat whistle
ddsiple: Maraya and Doug circa 1991
ddsiple: Glenn Schultz D whistle
ddsiple: My St. Patrick's Day contribution
ddsiple: Willie Clancy 1983 Summer School
ddsiple: And now, "The 79th's Farewell to Gibraltar".
ddsiple: Playing at Columbus Arts Festival circa 1984
ddsiple: Scots Guards Standard Settings of Pipe Music (1965)
ddsiple: R.G. Hardie bagpipe drone
ddsiple: Jerry Rockwell and Doug Berch
ddsiple: Tin Whistle family
ddsiple: David Burleigh Northumbrian Smallpipes
ddsiple: David Burleigh Northumbrian Smallpipes