takphoto: Dale Grimshaw
takphoto: anger
takphoto: Monster make a man
takphoto: Pasted up today
takphoto: Dale Grimshaw
takphoto: Summer in the city
takphoto: babysitter
takphoto: Grimshaw Dale
takphoto: Enough is Enough
takphoto: Stop
takphoto: Reflection on the street
takphoto: Dale Grimshaw
takphoto: Monster
takphoto: Reminds me of some one
takphoto: dale grimshaw W11.
takphoto: Hands
takphoto: Dale Grimshaw
takphoto: Moreish
takphoto: BLACK XMAS
takphoto: Moreish
takphoto: Wood Cut
takphoto: Dale Grimshaw
takphoto: Dale Grimshaw
takphoto: A blast from the past
takphoto: Up close
takphoto: DaleGrimshaw
takphoto: Dale on the street
takphoto: Art workshop @ Atlantis