microbie: Stand of maples
microbie: Stand of evergreens
microbie: Plant sale from a distance
microbie: Plant sale run by Friends of the National Arboretum
microbie: Herb tent
microbie: Morris Midget littleleaf boxwood
microbie: Dwarf Korean lilac
microbie: Dwarf plants (bonsai material)
microbie: $50 plant: Sarracenia rubra
microbie: Garden accessories tent
microbie: Orchids for sale
microbie: Azaleas and hollies tent
microbie: Nature by Design native plant nursery
microbie: Little creek leading to little pond
microbie: Little pond
microbie: Buttercups in a field
microbie: Plant purchases
microbie: Orange brains
microbie: IMG_0972
microbie: Narcissus var. "Texas"
microbie: bee and narcissus
microbie: blurry grape hyacinths
microbie: emerging peonies
microbie: grape hyacinths
microbie: grape hyacinths
microbie: Narcissus var. Kinda Neat
microbie: Narcissus var. King of Kings
microbie: city view
microbie: pale perennial
microbie: lilac?