malcolm wesselink: Lyn, Bob (the mature one), Sally, Gary, and Donna in Providence, RI
malcolm wesselink: Gary, Donna, Lyn, & Bob on the curb
malcolm wesselink: Gary, Donna, Sally, Lyn, and Bob at 218 Waterman St.
malcolm wesselink: with Roger, Charlene, and Sally in Washington, VA
malcolm wesselink: The Sounds encore
malcolm wesselink: Bob, Gary, Donna, Sally, Lyn, Margaret, and Sean at The Sounds concert
malcolm wesselink: Sally, Amelia, and Tim near Java Beach, SF
malcolm wesselink: Galen, Sally, and Gerritt on Mt. Ashland
malcolm wesselink: Kid is a Boss
malcolm wesselink: Dat Flow Dough
malcolm wesselink: me, Gerritt, Sally, Chris, Britt, Yarrow, Aaron, and Galen
malcolm wesselink: Trailer in Ruch, OR
malcolm wesselink: Mark, Rick, Mac, Anne, Chris, and Tom