Fractal Artist:
014 S'mores Helps With Laundry
Fractal Artist:
016 Now Stretch to the Left Hind Foot....Very Good....
Fractal Artist:
017 Bath Time
Fractal Artist:
021 Now For My Pre-Bath Bath....
Fractal Artist:
022 S'mores Helps With Laundry
Fractal Artist:
024 Sure Would Like To Know What That Thing Is She Keeps Pointing at Me
Fractal Artist:
025 What's New, Pussycat
Fractal Artist:
033 Mom Loves When I Help With Laundry
Fractal Artist:
039 Mom Loves When I Help With Laundry
Fractal Artist:
041 Are You STILL Clicking That Thing at Me
Fractal Artist:
043 Life is Good
Fractal Artist:
044 Aahh, Now For a Good Nap
Fractal Artist:
046 Ah, That's Good, Almost Ready for My Nap
Fractal Artist:
045 A Final Stretch Before Settling In
Fractal Artist:
050 Dream Kick
Fractal Artist:
053 Can't a Girl Just Have a Nap Without You Clicking that Thing?
Fractal Artist:
051 Ah Now This is the Life
Fractal Artist:
Fractal Artist:
042 Gotta Do My Stretching Exercises.....
Fractal Artist:
036 Mom Loves When I Help With Laundry
Fractal Artist: