Fractal Artist: Art in the Park Family Walking on Walk by Lake
Fractal Artist: Jazz Band Musicians at Art in the Park
Fractal Artist: Art in the Park, Little Girl at African Drum and Dance Event
Fractal Artist: Random Guy
Fractal Artist: Art in the Park, African Drum and Dance
Fractal Artist: Art in the Park, African Drum and Dance
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Serious Faced Little Girl
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Guy in the Crowd
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Serene
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Mysterious Lady Under the Veil
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Drummer
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Mother and Child
Fractal Artist: Earth Day Pretty Girl Taking it Easy
Fractal Artist: Earth Day Loving Couple in the Crowd
Fractal Artist: Earth Day Couple in the Crowd
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Pretty Girl in the Crowd
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Pretty Girl in the Crowd
Fractal Artist: Gandpa at Table
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Musicians
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 People in the Crowd
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Moms and Kids
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 People in the Crowd
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Making a Statement
Fractal Artist: Earth Day 2007 Going All Out
Fractal Artist: The Borg Must Stay Hooked to the Collective at All Times