weeksjr: Weeks along with Boulder
weeksjr: Looking down from 2nd belay
weeksjr: Ryan journals by the stream
weeksjr: View off the back of the 3rd
weeksjr: A sunrise along with Venus
weeksjr: AJ attacks the overhang
weeksjr: Stream by Boulderado
weeksjr: Boulder from the 3rd
weeksjr: Josh pondering life
weeksjr: Hooked on phonics didn't work
weeksjr: C'mon over Gib
weeksjr: Go Christie go!
weeksjr: Steve atop Boulderado
weeksjr: Chris and Ann at base of 1st
weeksjr: Bill teaches 'the ropes'
weeksjr: Arch Museum in Nebraska
weeksjr: And away we gooooooooooo
weeksjr: Group shot
weeksjr: Steve and Sue set Boulderado
weeksjr: Weeks at the top
weeksjr: Steve and Ryan belay the 5.8
weeksjr: Chris summits Mt. Evans
weeksjr: COD vs. the VERMONSTER
weeksjr: TEAM SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!
weeksjr: Ready to go on the 3rd
weeksjr: I'll give you $1 if you.....
weeksjr: Dusk atop Mt. Evans
weeksjr: Boulder from the 1st
weeksjr: Suiting up for top roping
weeksjr: Bill on his way down