weeksjr: Introducing the Rope Riders
weeksjr: Here come the Destroyers
weeksjr: Squeeze a team through a rope
weeksjr: Who will win......
weeksjr: The trolley race
weeksjr: A change in strategy
weeksjr: On the way to Bills Blocks
weeksjr: Bills blocks in action
weeksjr: Two blind men challenge
weeksjr: The biner rescue
weeksjr: Jean starts a challenge
weeksjr: The cargo net challenge
weeksjr: Deb taking a rest!
weeksjr: What a motley crew!
weeksjr: Sue goes for a ride
weeksjr: The battle is over
weeksjr: The group watches a challenge
weeksjr: The aftermath (I was fine mom)
weeksjr: Kristy on the islands
weeksjr: Lucie scoots across
weeksjr: Debbie heads to the islands
weeksjr: Michelle tries the islands
weeksjr: Deb's competition
weeksjr: Kristy & Kelli reach the top
weeksjr: Kelli up the tree Deb on Burma
weeksjr: Jean ready to go!
weeksjr: Kelli takes a plunge!
weeksjr: Group photo
weeksjr: Kristy zips past mom!
weeksjr: Zip away!