Karl's Gal: Dew laden
Karl's Gal: red echo
Karl's Gal: Pasque Memory
Karl's Gal: the fallen
Karl's Gal: morning abolutions
Karl's Gal: Attention Seekers
Karl's Gal: Less tears, more hope
Karl's Gal: kissing the light
Karl's Gal: On the tip of my tongue...
Karl's Gal: So many tears
Karl's Gal: Connection
Karl's Gal: Don't cry because it's over...
Karl's Gal: Bliss
Karl's Gal: Glistening
Karl's Gal: Possibilities
Karl's Gal: Tears of Joy
Karl's Gal: Focus
Karl's Gal: Don't speak moistly...
Karl's Gal: Tethered
Karl's Gal: ...oOo...
Karl's Gal: Every flower that ever bloomed...
Karl's Gal: Joy comes in the morning
Karl's Gal: "The beauty of the natural world lies in the details"
Karl's Gal: It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood
Karl's Gal: Coconut Lime
Karl's Gal: Wet and Wild
Karl's Gal: Dance!