Deida 1: Astbury in Spring
Deida 1: The 76m Lovell Telescope
Deida 1: The 76m Lovell Telescope
Deida 1: Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)
Deida 1: Curious Embden Geese
Deida 1: Water Polo ( Graylag/Canada Goose) lol
Deida 1: Reedmace (Bullrush)
Deida 1: Stormy Weather
Deida 1: Beautiful Autumn
Deida 1: Great Crested Grebe
Deida 1: A Gaggle of Geese and 1 Coot
Deida 1: Piece and Quiet
Deida 1: Autumn Magic
Deida 1: News travels fast ! (Male Crested Grebe)
Deida 1: Female Great Crested Grebe
Deida 1: Will you marry me ?
Deida 1: Beautiful English Countryside
Deida 1: Grey Heron hunting
Deida 1: Welcome Spring
Deida 1: Banded Demoiselle (Male)
Deida 1: Mow Cop Castle (Folly)
Deida 1: Mow Cop Castle ( 2)
Deida 1: Shaggy Ink Cap (Fungi)
Deida 1: Hello
Deida 1: Heron in the reeds
Deida 1: The wind in the reeds
Deida 1: Mow Cop Castle
Deida 1: Mow Cop Castle
Deida 1: St.James and St.Paul's Church
Deida 1: St.James and St.Paul's Church