mhobl: blue men of the TIOGA
mhobl: boats are crossing
mhobl: the big Wally arrives
mhobl: water ballet
mhobl: we have the boat and the dress .. so lets sail!
mhobl: Better than
mhobl: Leonore
mhobl: Runa IV
mhobl: blue ship from the past
mhobl: operating the coffeegrinder
mhobl: Lulworth
mhobl: MoonbeamIV von 1914
mhobl: Lulworth
mhobl: the Monaco-crew heading for Saint-Tropez
mhobl: nothing to do for the green Genie
mhobl: lucky numbers
mhobl: blue beauty
mhobl: Sophie
mhobl: the famous Lady L
mhobl: the regatta is over - storm is coming!
mhobl: Shamrock's nice backside