mhobl: German parachutist
mhobl: From the Senegal
mhobl: Solders have tooth-ache too
mhobl: X-ray
mhobl: There is still life - bataboombataboom
mhobl: They were so secure to win!
mhobl: I will bring this gun into action
mhobl: redblueyellow tubes
mhobl: I dont know were the entrance is!!!
mhobl: Oh this ugly huns!
mhobl: Yes, we are in contact with Mr. Bocuse ..
mhobl: At home I made cement plaster ...
mhobl: Tabor marocain
mhobl: Be careful - he will listen to your voice!
mhobl: guesswhereandwhen
mhobl: different hats
mhobl: chasseur alpine
mhobl: I like this bowl
mhobl: Britain wants you
mhobl: thats not paradise
mhobl: The last stand
mhobl: Turret
mhobl: pretty feathers
mhobl: Action!!!!
mhobl: The redblueyellow Regiment
mhobl: This is such a boring job ....
mhobl: Mama, are there bees??
mhobl: Es tanzt ein Bibabutzemann ...