mhobl: Father and son (??)
mhobl: family in the mud
mhobl: swimmingpool
mhobl: electricity for all of them
mhobl: public art
mhobl: Carpet in redblueyellow
mhobl: Kitsch as Kitsch can
mhobl: In an Oasis near Tata
mhobl: Lost
mhobl: The redblueyellow village
mhobl: walking home from the market
mhobl: The Antiatlas
mhobl: Agadir Lehne - the ancient village
mhobl: Camping Municipal Tata
mhobl: All the kings horses
mhobl: Beauty of Tagmoute
mhobl: Let me rest for a while ...
mhobl: Walls of the desert
mhobl: The old mosque
mhobl: My friend the tree
mhobl: The lost town
mhobl: Living in nowhere-village is fun
mhobl: Flower of the desert
mhobl: This is the End
mhobl: Windows to heaven
mhobl: white dunes
mhobl: MAN meets MAN
mhobl: walking in beauty
mhobl: Burning Sky