rsheath76: Sent out invites, put up signs, and a FAMILY PARTY busted out !
rsheath76: Kids, and kids with kids showed up!
rsheath76: Lanny Land and Louie Cowell
rsheath76: Ruthe Cowell and Bill Strother
rsheath76: Ruthe and Bill
rsheath76: Some were very interested in all the action!
rsheath76: Others, not so much...
rsheath76: Bill Moon
rsheath76: Swinging siblings!
rsheath76: Sharing photos
rsheath76: Minnie Moon and Gloria Cowell
rsheath76: Ted waits his turn...
rsheath76: Caught in the act of being cool!
rsheath76: Much better!
rsheath76: Natalie Farr and Ryan Heath
rsheath76: Sisters: You know, it starts off all good, but after awhile...
rsheath76: "Our dad used to do WHAT?!
rsheath76: Knights of the (little bitty) Round Table
rsheath76: Oh, and there was food.
rsheath76: Gary Moore, Bill Moon and Thomas Smith
rsheath76: Harold wonders if there will be anything left...
rsheath76: Self portraits.
rsheath76: Thomas Smith and Carla Brown
rsheath76: Everyone gets to guess whose picture they were laughing at!
rsheath76: "I'm sure you will get a turn in the hammock next time"
rsheath76: Gloria and Colleen
rsheath76: Generations of siblings.
rsheath76: Harold's family
rsheath76: Waiting on the family portrait.