Ben Matthews1992:
Foden No. 2104 "Prospector" & Burrell No. 2879 "Lord Nelson"
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden D Type tractor No. 14084 'Duchess of Gloucester'
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden showmans road locomotive 'Prospector'
Ben Matthews1992:
1959 foden S21 reg No. 4714 HX
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden S.21 tractor YUV 681
Ben Matthews1992:
foden s18 ballast tractor RKC 814
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden S41 - XPP471S
Ben Matthews1992:
1950 Foden PVFE6 - MTU296
Ben Matthews1992:
1953 Foden OG W.P Shore
Ben Matthews1992:
1953 Foden OG W.P Shore
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden S.20 Shipstone Brewery - 617PAU
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden S.21 7194 KB
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden S.21 Tipper 830 WNU
Ben Matthews1992:
foden FE6/15 - E.L. Horley
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden Steam Wagon No. 13752 "Reliance"
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden Road Loco "Earl of Dudley" No. 1308
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden "Enterprise" No. 12116
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden Tractor No. 13266 "George"
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden S20 (4870 FN)
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden S.20 H.R Maiden
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden S.20 - H.R Maiden - LCF 818
Ben Matthews1992:
1962 Foden S.21 Fuller & Sons
Ben Matthews1992:
1962 Foden S.21 Fuller & Sons
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden S.83 LWS 558P
Ben Matthews1992:
1959 Foden S.20 R.A. Swain
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden S.21 R.V. Morgan & Son
Ben Matthews1992:
1959 Foden S.20 8 Wheel Tipper - SNR 148
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden 4NHP Steam Tractor "Samantha" No. 13454
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden steam wagon No. 12116 "Enterprise"
Ben Matthews1992:
Foden No. 12116 "Enterprise" & McLaren No. 1295 "Mr Tweedie"