toughsl: Morning view
toughsl: Pool area
toughsl: Erato Heliconian
toughsl: Hummingbird
toughsl: Western Giant Swallowtail
toughsl: Butterflies
toughsl: Coffee cherries
toughsl: Drying the coffee beans
toughsl: Finca Rosa Blanca
toughsl: Ready for market
toughsl: Red sky in the morning
toughsl: Finca Rosa Blanca
toughsl: Sloth
toughsl: Cherri’s Tanager
toughsl: Arenal volcano
toughsl: Motmot
toughsl: Rainforest canopy & emergents
toughsl: Anolis
toughsl: Eyelash viper
toughsl: Looking up to the highest bridge
toughsl: Trogon
toughsl: White-nosed Coati
toughsl: Great Currasow (m)
toughsl: Three toed sloth
toughsl: Penas Blanca river
toughsl: Rio Penas Blancas
toughsl: Rio Penas Blancas
toughsl: Rio Penas Blancas float safari
toughsl: Anhinga
toughsl: Banded kingfisher