toughsl: Ardverikie Castle
toughsl: Loch Laggan
toughsl: Loch Laggan
toughsl: Crinan canal
toughsl: Crinan basin
toughsl: Crinan basin
toughsl: Reflections
toughsl: Otters
toughsl: Otter
toughsl: Female otter close to shore
toughsl: Male otter preening
toughsl: Male otter & cub
toughsl: Resting male otter & pup
toughsl: Pup
toughsl: Pup with butterfish
toughsl: Pup
toughsl: Otter pup
toughsl: Mum & pup
toughsl: Female otter
toughsl: Upwards
toughsl: Corryvrecken Strait
toughsl: Looking towards Dunstrune Castle