toughsl: Looking good
toughsl: Polka dot cake
toughsl: I'm here!
toughsl: Cool Kate
toughsl: Me and my gal.
toughsl: wow, The Dark Knight
toughsl: snow at last!
toughsl: No hands
toughsl: Another snow angel
toughsl: Katie finds her groove.
toughsl: Katie and a legend
toughsl: New dress
toughsl: Styled by the wind.
toughsl: Footsie
toughsl: Romantic Paris
toughsl: Cosmopolitan in Paris:)
toughsl: Katie and Craig, Capdenac le Haut
toughsl: Team Tough/Howieson
toughsl: Always a poser :)
toughsl: Looking east.
toughsl: Just lovin it
toughsl: A firm stance in the go-anywhere boots
toughsl: Katie & Craig at the top of the Burma Road
toughsl: Mid summer in the Cairngorms
toughsl: The groupies