withrow: shapes and colours 2
withrow: shapes and colours
withrow: shadows -- and mother duck
withrow: mother and child 2
withrow: mother and child
withrow: damsel fly
withrow: Mirror Lake, Camrose
withrow: wooden retriever?
withrow: wild anemone
withrow: red osier dogwood
withrow: daisy in the flowerbed
withrow: saskatoon berries
withrow: wings
withrow: Mother mallard and youngster c
withrow: Mother mallard and youngster
withrow: rose in morning sunlight b
withrow: rose in morning sunlight
withrow: daisy
withrow: IMG_2986
withrow: IMG_2977
withrow: IMG_2978
withrow: IMG_2982
withrow: IMG_2985
withrow: IMG_2980