totoksks: Terror and the explosive power....the Murrah Building
totoksks: The wall of time 9:01, east gate - "We come here to remember -"
totoksks: Hand prints on the walls of time.....
totoksks: The wall of time (9:01 a.m.) marks the innocence of the city and nation before the attack.
totoksks: Wall of time - 9:01
totoksks: 9:01
totoksks: The stone and grass steps - northeast location
totoksks: The Reflecting Pool, the Field of Empty Chairs, and the 9:03 Wall of Time
totoksks: The Survivor Tree - the 90 + year old Elm Tree that simply wouldn't die.
totoksks: Early morning view of the pool, tree, and 9:01 wall
totoksks: A view from east to west
totoksks: The first view of the Field of Emtpy Chairs
totoksks: Reflection
totoksks: DSC03676
totoksks: DSC03666
totoksks: DSC03727
totoksks: DSC03680
totoksks: DSC03675
totoksks: DSC03737
totoksks: DSC03682
totoksks: DSC03721
totoksks: DSC03722
totoksks: DSC03716
totoksks: DSC03715
totoksks: DSC03717
totoksks: DSC03708
totoksks: DSC03709
totoksks: DSC03723
totoksks: DSC03704
totoksks: DSC03703