snjstuart: The Star Wanderers are go!
snjstuart: In the queue for the ferry at Newhaven
snjstuart: Melanie waiting for the ferry
snjstuart: Citroen DS20 Pallas 1969
snjstuart: La Chapelle-Montligeon
snjstuart: La Sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Montligeon
snjstuart: The Star Wanderers assemble
snjstuart: Citroen DS20 Pallas 1969
snjstuart: Neuille-Pont-Pierre
snjstuart: Stop in Neuille-Pont-Pierre
snjstuart: Lunch stop on the way to Angouleme
snjstuart: The Wanderers at lunch
snjstuart: Lunch stop on route to Angouleme
snjstuart: Chasseneuil-sur-Bonnieure
snjstuart: Chasseneuil-sur-Bonnieure
snjstuart: Citroen DS20 Pallas 1969
snjstuart: Renault 4CV
snjstuart: Montemboeuf
snjstuart: Citroen DS20 Pallas 1969
snjstuart: Citroen DS20 Pallas 1969
snjstuart: Impossibly cute line up
snjstuart: Irony is alive and well in France
snjstuart: Fiat 500 lineup
snjstuart: Reflections on the nature of an Alfa Romeo
snjstuart: Reflections on the nature of a Jaguar
snjstuart: Angouleme by Jaguar
snjstuart: Angouleme
snjstuart: A rear end worth looking at
snjstuart: Reflections
snjstuart: Jaguar XK150