recubejim: One of 2 Folk Art Murals....
recubejim: The Elbow Room
recubejim: Farmer's Market is a daily occurance.
recubejim: 1903
recubejim: One of my favorites.
recubejim: Looking Up
recubejim: Art for(yaawwwn) Art's sake.
recubejim: One for the Group
recubejim: Putting in a Hard Day at the Companion Shop!
recubejim: Took a Walk Today ......
recubejim: Check the Neck
recubejim: Some Immigrant families are great contributors.
recubejim: Seen At Today's Farmer's Market
recubejim: Walk Right In ....
recubejim: Come Home Vanny
recubejim: UWSP Old Main
recubejim: University Shapes
recubejim: Britney Spears? Sure, ......
recubejim: A Local Tradition: The Opening of Belts' Soft Serve
recubejim: Belts Opens!
recubejim: If you hurry.....