NAVIGATOR 755: RWE Neurath
NAVIGATOR 755: Hambach, Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Tagebau Garzweiler II
NAVIGATOR 755: The Dawn
NAVIGATOR 755: RWE Powerhouse Neurath / Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Absetzer, Brown coal opencast, Garzweiler / Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Absetzer N°491 Opencast Garzweiler / Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Open - door day, RWE Powerhouse, Neurath / Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Power house Neurath, Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Power by Nature.
NAVIGATOR 755: The photograph and his motiv. HDR
NAVIGATOR 755: Giant 286
NAVIGATOR 755: Bucket-wheel exavator N°284
NAVIGATOR 755: Vane weel, 28meters in diameter.
NAVIGATOR 755: Krupp Mannesmann Steel, Duisburg - Bruckhausen, Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Krupp Mannesmann Steel, Duisburg - Hüttenheim, Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: RWE Power house Neurath, Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Brown coal open cast minig, Garzweiler, Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: STEAG Power house Voerde, Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: An part of the Opencast mine / Garzweiler / Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Bucket wheel exavator N°264
NAVIGATOR 755: Bucket wheel exavator / Garzweiler opencast mine / Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Garzweiler opencast mine / Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Opencast mine Garzweiler / Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Opencast mine Garzweiler / Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Opencast mine Garzweiler / Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Powerhouse Neurath, Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Opencast mine, Garzweiler, Germany
NAVIGATOR 755: Neurath, Power house, Germany