oobwoodman: Bath Abbey
oobwoodman: Grumpy old man
oobwoodman: And, furthermore, young man, I say to you..."
oobwoodman: Bath Abbey
oobwoodman: Ceiling
oobwoodman: He was 23
oobwoodman: She was 23
oobwoodman: Winter sun through the window
oobwoodman: Abbey Road?
oobwoodman: Oxford faces
oobwoodman: Oxford
oobwoodman: Oxford, or Hogwarts?
oobwoodman: Front door of the Oxford House of Pancakes
oobwoodman: Some of the dreaming spires
oobwoodman: Now where did I put my beanie?
oobwoodman: Nyah nyah, can't get me up here!
oobwoodman: Did he really say that??
oobwoodman: Angel
oobwoodman: "The prettiest village in England"
oobwoodman: "The prettiest village in England"
oobwoodman: A room with a view? Not any more.
oobwoodman: Advertising for the original White Horse pub
oobwoodman: Heathcliff!
oobwoodman: The Royal Crescent (about 4° of it)
oobwoodman: Just under the Royal Crescent
oobwoodman: Anyone for a swim?
oobwoodman: Jane Austen's old stompin' grounds
oobwoodman: Stonehenge I
oobwoodman: Stonehenge II
oobwoodman: Stonehenge III