inatangle: exiting the fishway
inatangle: Holyoke dam falls
inatangle: abandoned industrial building
inatangle: the fish gathering and compressing area
inatangle: watching the lifted fish
inatangle: Connecticut River below the Holyoke dam
inatangle: this way to view the fish
inatangle: Downstream fish bypass and sampling station
inatangle: chain and spiderweb
inatangle: fishing
inatangle: How power is generated
inatangle: below the dam spillway
inatangle: diving gear, 188
inatangle: caught a fish
inatangle: DSCN6094
inatangle: Enter Fishway
inatangle: How the elevator works
inatangle: some of the lifted fish
inatangle: Fish elevator totals
inatangle: Holyoke dam falls
inatangle: Shad fishing derby
inatangle: catching a fish
inatangle: fish after having been lifted
inatangle: top of the giant turbine